Thursday, February 25, 2010

Perhaps the Smartest Man, Ever, Writes About Diversity...

I was introduced (not formally, as alas, I have not had the honor of actually meeting the man) to Professor Victor Davis Hanson about a decade ago on the pages of National Review (to which I used to subscribe, back when the late William F. Buckley was still the editor) in the book review section. There was a review of his book Carnage and Culture, something which piqued my interest as an amateur military historian. Not soon afterwards, there was an excerpt of that book published in, I believe, American Heritage (to which I also used to subscribe) which convinced me that I just had to own that book.

I soon became obsessed with owning everything the man ever wrote, as he seemed to have considered esoteric, but vitally important aspects of history that my untrained mind had not even acknowledged. Carnage and Culture led me to read more culture-based treatises on the practices of war and politics, like those written by John Keegan and Donald Kagan. Before, Hanson, the scope of my knowledge was limited to the dry, linear histories of the individual campaign or the tactical "tricks" of the great generals that were little more than the recitation of facts, or the parroting of the last "expert" that I had read. Like many, I had simply assumed that because someone had managed to get published, that they were probably right. Hanson helped me identify a critical error in my way of thinking (such as it is).

Years later, I have come to the conclusion that Professor Hanson is perhaps one of the greatest historians of our time (along with Daniel Boorstin and Eugen Weber), and more, that he is one of the better commentators on our present culture.

I have faithfully followed him from National Review to his own website (see link bar) and finally, to the pages of Pajamas Media. It is my opinion that if you don't read Professor Hanson regularly, you are missing out on a valuable resource that will make you think upon, and hopefully better understand, the world you live in.

No, he isn't my God, but he's certainly someone who's opinions and conclusions I take seriously.

Today, the Professor takes a look at the nature of the movement for "Diversity", Read. And you'll fall in love with VDH yourself, I believe.

Note: I'm adding a link to American Heritage, something I have neglected for some time now. It's especially important, in this day and age, to know how we got here and became Americans.

Update: Perhaps the Second Smartest Man, Ever adds an intriguing tale of his own, complete with an Olympic opening ceremony.

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