Thursday, January 14, 2010

Is Carpertbagging Worse Than Teabagging?

Someone should ask Harold Ford that very question. He's a Tennessean. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but he's not one of us. He's not a New Yorker, which despite the embarrassment of having the crappiest government this side of Washington, still it means something to us. We've had enough carpetbaggers (named Kennedy and Clinton) in this state, thank you very much, and we don't need yet another useless piece of shit with a family legacy and no talent here. We already have Andrew Cuomo for that.

The NY Republican party is no better; it has a chance to snatch a Senate Seat, and the best it can do is talk about Rick Lazio, the man famous for losing to Hillary Clinton by virtue of simply invading her personal space (queue eerie music, and get your barf bag, as you recall Al Gore trying to intimidate GWB during the debate with the same tactic). It couldn't convince Susan Molinari (former Congresswoman from my hometown of Staten Island) to run, it couldn't pay Rudy Guiliani enough to run for this seat, and at this point, if it could manage to teach a cocker spaniel to speak by October, it would still be a better candidate than Lazio.

By all accounts, Kirsten Gillibrand is a Senatorial-lightweight. She should be easy to beat, especially in a year when democrats have overreached. She's viewed in these parts as being in Harry Reid's pocket. Still the republican establishment in this state is a mess that can't find decent candidates if you put a gun to it's head. That's why it associates with the likes of Michael Bloomberg and Ron Lauder, for Chrissakes.

But this takes the cake. Harold Ford has no connection, that I'm aware of, with New York at all. Why is it that any two-bit politician without a regular job feels that he/she can just set up residence here and then run for office? Why do we allow it? Why isn't the NY Republican party screaming it's head off about this? Yet just something else that stinks in this state.

Ann Althouse has a few thoughts. As does JammieWearingFool. I'll be searching the local papers for more on the audacity of Harold Ford, Jr. to post later on.

Update: Kirsten Gillibrand fights a girl!

Now you see why she should be easy to beat...That was a lot of misguided meaningless pablum to spout in one go, even by NY Standards.

Ford Warns Obama He Ain't No House Slave.

Yeah, really nice of President Hopenchange,who should have better things to do, like resign, to poke his nose into our state politics, and give directions about who gets to run for what. Give Ford credit for calling a spade a spade (Oops, did I just go there...twice? Ohnoyoudinnit!), but this asshole has no right to step in and run in the first place, either.

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